Happy Hours School in Northwest Delhi is an idyllic primary school that serves as the feeder school to KIIT World School, Pitampura, Delhi.
We offer foundational, activity-based education that is joyful and fun, while giving young learners the opportunity to explore their individual aptitude and talents. Our teaching-learning systems draw on a tradition of innovation in education. Through personalised care and holistic learning, students develop as confident, well-spoken individuals who are thinkers and doers.
Experiential learning, activity-based education and global awareness are part of the everyday life of students, ensuring their academic development along with building social skills and ensuring their emotional well-being.
Located in the a campus adjoining the KIIT World School Delhi, Happy Hours School has air-conditioned classrooms, BRIO smart boards and every amenity. The school offers a secure, green and peaceful environment in the heart of Northwest Delhi for young ones to grown and learn at their own pace.